The postal code(s) of the municipality (city) Saint-Leger is (are) 6747,

its #WWlgu or #BElgu hashtag is #BE6747

Submunicipality Postal code #BElgu hashtag
Châtillon 6747 #BE6747
Meix-le-Tige 6747 #BE6747

The NUTS 3 area of this municipality (city) (with sub-municipalities) is Virton which has #EUlgu/#BElgu hashtag #BE345.

#tagcoding in Saint-Leger?

#tagcoding means that one uses standardized hashtags to relate online information to specific topics in order to structure it and retrieve it easily.

This page introduces #BE6747 as systematically defined hashtags for Saint-Leger and its sub-municipalities.

#tagcoding hashtags cover another four topic dimensions:

Local information and communication channels are essential, yet not trivial via social media.

That's why knowing and using #BE6747 will improve communications in the public sphere of Saint-Leger.

Towards a #DigitalPublicSphere in Saint-Leger ? Use #BE6747 to share and retrieve facts, data and opinion - #tagcoding

Towards a #DigitalPublicSphere in Virton ? Use #BE345 to share and retrieve facts, data and opinion - #tagcoding

Site de la commune:
Wikipedia: Saint-Leger